
I can’t believe it

I’m having a pinch me moment.

It’s Monday morning and I’m sitting at one of my favourite cafes in Brisbane, easing my way into my week. The morning traffic is ambling past me on the main road outside, bleary-eyed locals are dropping in for their morning caffeine fix, and activewear bunnies are bouncing in to grab their green smoothies.

My sight is fixed on the faint rings in my nearly finished cup of coffee (coconut milk flat white), I’m listening to Rihanna on the radio, mumble-singing about Werk Werk Werkin’ and something else I really can’t make out (can anyone?). A plane buzzes overhead. A relatively normal morning, in the scheme of things. But I’m struggling to come to terms with my new reality. I can’t quite believe I’m here.


Last week, I packed up my home of over two years and have rented her out to her new tenants. All in preparation for an imminent move to India and Nepal with my man. If you’d told me a year ago that this is what I’d be doing 365 days hence, I would have laughed and said you’re crazy.

While packing up my place, I found a ripped and folded piece of lined paper, entitled: “2016 Intentions + Desired Feelings”. Dated 31/12/15, I had scribbled this note while sitting in the dim light of a crackling open fire, under a sky filled with stars in the hinterland of northern NSW. My man and I, and some of our closest friends, were having a quiet new years eve, sipping gin and dining on delicious made-from-scratch pizzas made by one of my besties, Em.

It was the day of my 34th turn around the sun, and we were about to enter a year I could literally *feel* wanted to burst out of the gates with gusto, fervour, and immensely powerful energy.

On this note of desires and intentions, it reads:

– Exalted
– Expansive
– Taking giant leaps in my soul work
– Speaking my truth and standing in it, unapologetically
– Growing in love and joy
– Having fun, always
– Loads of fun travel
– Live as the Goddess, always

In the first seven and a half months of this year, I’ve seen all of the above unfold in the most mind-blowing ways. And I’m still riding this energy. 2016 is a year for aligning with our highest possible timelines – and RIGHT NOW (+ into the coming months) is still one of the most potent times for master-manifesting.

Like a wave building to its zenith, we can all still harness this year’s energy for our creations. We are each powerful creators incarnate – creating in every moment. And right now we all have extra-super-duper power to do so.

Aligning with your inner soul truth and calling in your most exalted destiny need only be one decision away.

From what I can tell, cosmically 2017 is going to be a bit less ‘full-on’ energetically, so work with the magical upswing while it’s still here. Now is a supremely potent time to align with your highest state. You only need to state to yourself that you want to do this – and the conditions to create this reality begin to form. Wanna amplify it? Pop your intention in the comments below! Publicly declaring it is very powerful.

I never aspired to live the gypset lifestyle, but when we follow our soul’s path – firmly committed to the mystery of its unfolding, we OPEN to realities we could scarcely imagine previously. This time in three weeks, I’ll be freshly arrived in Hyderabad, India – opening up to the next part of my journey – eight months of immersion in the worlds of India and Nepal, and exciting adventures with my love.

I am completely, ridonculously excited.

Pinch myself excited.

And I hope, dearest – that you are feeling the same. That life is feeling exciting and expansive for you too. And if not, that you know you have the power to change those conditions, within you. And that you believe in yourself.

If you need some 1:1 guidance, mentoring and a loving nudge in the direction of your dreams, let’s work together! My books are open at the end of this month for just two more women. Drop me a line, if that sounds like your jam!

Thank you so much for being here, and for sharing in my journey. Your presence here is so precious to me. I’m looking forward to taking you along with me for the next part of my ride.