
An End Of Year Celebration Surprise!

As I type this, my brother has just popped a bottle of prosecco in the kitchen while I tap away on my laptop at the dining table writing to you.

My niece Olivia has just hopped down off my lap after watching me do some work and wondering why her Auntie’s face is on the internet (one of my tabs was open to my website).

In short, after being separated from my family in Singapore (my place of birth) for two years, I’ve finally been reunited with them!

And it feels SO. GOOD!

It’s a uniquely disconcerting and highly distressing thing to be unwittingly separated from your beloveds without knowing when you’ll see them again, which has been the case for us since the pandemic hit in March 2020.

While we stayed deeply and intimately in touch over this time, I’ve already missed 2/3rds of my precious niece’s life – watching her grow up via facetime and videos transmitted over whatsapp has been a bittersweet experience.

This is definitely a case of IYKYK.

If you’re separated from your loved ones at this time, my heart is absolutely with you. It sucks SO much and I would never wish the kind of deep heartache I’ve experienced on anyone.

I didn’t quite realise just how much tension I’d held in my body around this separation until I arrived at Brisbane airport to scan the QR check-in on arrival and unexpectedly felt a sob escape my throat and tears flood my eyes.

It was to be the first of many spontaneous teary sessions throughout the journey home to reunite with my loved ones.

I’m diving deeper into details around what my trip so far has been like over on Insta – so If you want to hear and see more about what it’s like to travel during these times – head over here @carlystephan where I’m sharing more of the details!

The month of December personally also brings the combined celebrations of Christmas, my birthday, new year’s eve, and Solstice (it’s ALL HAPPENING!).

So if desperately longed-for family reunions aren’t enough reason to celebrate good times… there are even more reasons to pop the environmentally friendly party-poppers!

And in honour of all of the above – I’m THRILLED to offer a supremely rare FLASH SALE of glorious proportions: with 50% off a selection of my signature courses and + bite-sized high-vibe offerings to give you an instant lift, life-changing insights, and high vibe frequency fine-tuning!

These are:

Your Quantum Light Business Bundle (was AUD $177, now 88.50 – with a payment plan available!) – Instant Frequency Upgrades for your Soul Business – Learn the Quantum Codes & Energetic Secrets to Having a Thriving Soul Venture.

Bring It On(line) Babes Bootcamp (was AUD $549, now 274.50 – with a payment plan available!) – A self-paced Online Accelerator & Supercharged training program for soulful babes who need an energised kickstart and momentum-building guidance to get their talents shining online to reach and inspire their soulmate clients ASAP!

Luscious Luminosity 11-Day Audio Series (was AUD $49, now 24.50) – 11 Days of Transformational Audios loaded with tips, tricks and guidance to take you from depleted and drained to juicy and lusciously luminous!

Simply add the code CELEBRATEHALFOFF at checkout to receive 50% off these frequency-shifting offerings! Exciting!

The offer is valid through to Thursday, December 23rd AU time!

Hop to it and let the celebrations commence!

Sending you bubbly-soaked kisses and love from Singapore-town!