

Activate Your Personal Light Grid!

YESSSSSSS! You can now do the Personal Light Grid Activation as a self-guided process, including a super powerful releasing ritual for you to do beforehand – AND a facebook community for additional support. Previously you had to be in one

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The Power of Orienting Anew

I started running again a few weeks ago. I say again because I used to run at school competitively, so it’s previously been part of my identity. An aspect of my identity I’ve mostly rejected ever since (besides doing one

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Have You Ever Googled This?

It’s one of the most googled topics on the internet. No, not the Stranger Things Season 5 release date… how to manifest. Because we all want a quick-fix formula for bringing our desires into being. But I hate to break it to you

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You Are Extraordinary

In case no one’s told you lately – you are truly extraordinary. To have experienced the last three years (since the Panini and its attendant friends in chaos hit) and still be standing, let alone still giving love where you can

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Come and mastermind with me for $77?

I’m SOOO EXCITED FOR THIS! I’m spilling the secrets about the true needle movers you need to make a quantum leap in your soul business – and they’re NOT what you think. Your Quantum Light Business Pop-Up Mastermind! Instant Frequency

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Episode 6: Are You Desiring the False Light?

In this episode of the Lead with Your Light Podcast, I’m sharing a personal story of how a simple experience reminded me of an important lesson around chasing and desiring the false light in our lives. We’ll be exploring how

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