

Energy Over Algorithms

Episode 5: Energy Over Algorithms

In this episode of the Lead with Your Light Podcast, we are diving into all things online and particularly social media algorithms versus – or in addition to – the power of your own energy. As you can likely guess,

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The Most Powerful Puzzle Piece

I’ve never forgotten the opening line one of my lecturers at Sydney Uni gave to my class on the first day of our Masters of Development, over 14 years ago now: ‘The reason most development projects fail is that there’s

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Light Is The New Rich!

Can we talk about something I’ve become super uncomfortable with as I see it splashed all over the online world/entrepreneurial space? Let me know if you’ve been feeling similar feels. It’s the fetishisation and deification of money. And I use these words very specifically for

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The Biggest Revelation

I often struggle to accurately articulate what it truly feels like to live life the way I do. I’ll catch up with much-beloved family or friends, and when I’m asked how I am, or how things are – I falter at responding.

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Hiding From The World?

Every day this week I’ve been live-streaming short little 5D business wisdom drops over on Instagram (catch up on Day 2 here and Day 3 here!) – and consistently sharing the joy of my legacy and work with the humans who resonate with

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Must-Have Soulful Leader Codes For You!

I’d just had the most delicious painful/pleasurable 2-hour bodywork session with my longtime shaman/medicine man Ahren when he threw an insight my way that kinda knocked the wind out of me.  For many years now, despite knowing that I’ve co-created

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The Hidden Gold of 2020

I ate Christmas Cookies for dinner last night. Washed down with a warm earl grey with oat milk. There was nothing remotely redeeming about these cookies either – other than that the sugar, butter and eggs were definitely organic. I

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Being Who The World Needs You To Be

Do we have to choose between different aspects of ourselves vying for our attention, or is there a way to live all of them to the fullest extent possible? I often grapple with the many aspects of myself that vie

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How Soulful Women Trip Themselves Up

“Only by its own roots does a tree stand tall and only by its own light does the sun shine brightly and bring life to our world. So it is with you – only when you’re trusting, loving and rooted

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The David Attenborough of Starseeds

Earlier this week, some of my soulies and I were deep in squeely-excited message chatting as we organised our upcoming adventure to go and SWIM WITH HUMPBACK WHALES in the wild. I KNOW – epic. Whenever I see a whale from afar in

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Have You Forgotten Who and What You Are?

I was finally reunited with a beloved bodyworker of mine this past weekend, after several months separated by a hard border between Queensland and NSW, here in Australia. To say I was thrilled to be in the hands of this

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Supercharge 2020

YAAAAAAY! IT’S HERE! Supercharge 2020 has arrived and I’M SO RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED! My babe Melissa Sandon (Founder of Soul Medicine Academy) and I have been weaving some magic in the last few weeks, and rather than keeping the high-level energetic mastery

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Are You Getting Sucked In By It All?

I’m truly not one to buy into the whole ‘end of year’ mad rush and crazy-making energy and behaviour – but even I have to admit that tuning into the collective at this time is exhausting me and sucking me

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