
Wheeee, she’s HERE! The STELLARmind has arrived!

For the last little while I’ve been deep in the trenches of my body and soul, excavating my deepest demons, and traversing the highest levels of the cosmos to weave the energy of this next iteration of my Mastermind container. 

And, dearest, it has not been an easy ride.

The STELLARmind landed in my awareness towards the end of last year, amidst the maelstrom of all that 2020 served up – the instability, the unknown, the uncertainty – during the huge contracting shifts in the collective as we navigated a lot of heavy energetic dynamics.

The energetic foundations of this program were formed in the crucible of the in-between, the void, the free-fall into nothingness and grace all at once. It was the medicine that pulled me through into the next level my soul was inviting me to inhabit: full bliss in the absolute void of the unknown. 

It helped me blast through stagnation and confusion, into momentum and clarity.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that for a number of years I’ve spoken to the energetic waves of intensity that have been consistently building year by year. All of them nudge us more and more into awakening and learning the truth of who and what we are (epic multidimensional beings of light).

The invitation has always been to learn the energetic arts of turning on your human superpowers (innately given to you at birth) in order to surf these waves, instead of being tossed, turned (and drowned) in them.

Well, I would consider 2020 the Pipeline of waves (one of the heaviest waves in the world – for any Blue Crush fans out there ;)).

It was the biggest, strongest wave we’ve all likely experienced in our lives so far – and it took a lot of people with it.

I certainly wiped out in the whitewash several times over.

The events of the world (including a very real challenge to the entire institution of democracy), coupled with a loss of faith in humanity, shocked and knocked me out of so much of what I’ve long known to be true: full belief, trust in grace, innate worthiness, deep desirability of my legacy – so much of it wobbled and warped and brought me to my knees in fear and uncertainty.

I was plunged into a fog of icky heaviness – in the frothiness of a stormy sea, wondering if I actually had what it took to weather the intensity of our times – to get back up again with my board and get back out on those waves.

I created The STELLARmind for me to energetically hold on to – to stabilise, energise and expand my own energetic field beyond the slings and arrows that were being served up on planet earth, daily, and to remind me of who I am and what I’m here to do. 

It invoked in me a level of fierceness in the knowing of my epic legacy and soul work and what I’m here to share with the world – which endures no matter what. Fullstop.

I rebuilt my energetic field of desire, opening to instant fields of bliss, ecstasy and miracles that are already available and here in the now moment. Theyt do not need to be muscled or manipulated into being – but can be felt and experienced in amongst times of tumult and turmoil.

I created this container for a VERY SPECIFIC WOMAN – one who is so ready to be in the light of herself and her work, even as there are multitudes of uncertainty, pain, or grief swimming about her in reality. 

This requires an embodiment of a deeply masterful ‘yes-and’ or multidimensional mindset: one that doesn’t observe reality in a linear way.

Because the times of energetic intensity are upon us. Which means if we wait until the ‘time is just right’ or the conditions are Goldilocks perfect, we’re destined to leave our dreams in the dust instead of doing what we were put on this earth to do: live them out to the maximum. 

In the STELLARmind we’re unlocking the codes of living a legacy that will outlive you.

Not for the glory, the power, or the success, but because it is you being your fullest and most realised self here on the earth.

It’s time to make the impact we’re here to make.

Create magic with our soul mate clients, weave possibilities of ecstatic joy and fulfillment, creating billions of dollars of life-enhancing value in the world.  

We weren’t put on earth at this moment by accident, ffs! 

We have important work to do.

This Mastermind container is for you’re dedicated to doing your work in the world. Not because you’re aiming to be successful, happy, utterly rich, or live the freedom lifestyle, but because you know that in the deepest realisation of you pursuing and serving your fullest legacy and in your highest light – all of these things will follow and occur naturally as a result.

The STELLARmind is for the self-initiators who don’t need to wait for anyone to bestow them with permission, accolades, or a crown: they coronate themselves.

This requires you to be bold, determined, and to take the lead in your own life FIRST. To be self-responsible and self-led.

This is not for the faint of heart or the novice.

The choice you have is: live the reality you’ve inherited and inadvertently been influenced to create where doubt, fear, and not-enoughness rule. OR determine to create your reality with a crystal clear energetic field, funneling your energy into the reality of your highest choosing – for both yourself and the world.

Create the conditions you are available for within yourself, and then surrender to the epic dance of co-creation and GRACE with the universe that unfolds.

Wanna co-create and ride these waves with me and other epic soulful leaders?

Drop me a line at [email protected] to apply!

PS There are limited spots and strict eligibility requirements for The STELLARmind, you will be asked a few questions upon enquiring to determine if you’re a great fit for this energetically potent container!