


Thank you for being here, I suspect you and I are about to kindle a beautiful connection.

You’re here because you’re so ready to live life with your inner brightness turned to MAXIMUM on the dial.

You’ve come to the end of the road with the cookie-cutter approach that may work for others, and you’re ready to do what works FOR YOU. 

So ready to light up the world with your gifts, and you know that the greatest gift you can give is YOU in your full power.

You’re so ready to release the shackles of expectation and limitation that have kept you smaller than what you know in your heart of hearts, that you’re so capable of.

You are self-responsible and super ready to co-create amazingness in your world.

You’re not willing to watch your life wash idly by because you are AWAKE, and your conscious awareness absolutely prohibits you from falling back to sleep again like a sheeple person.

You’re different from the ones who want to fit into the cookie-cutter mold of what it is to be a successful human, you’re ready to rebel and make your own rules. Undo the ties that bind you to the external expectations keeping you on that eternally spinning hamster wheel of perfection.

You won’t settle for anything less than a life of soul alignment, cosmic awareness, and luscious embodiment. Welcome to your new reality!
You’re brave and willing to step away from the crowd and say YES I stand for something. I stand for ME.

You’re ready and willing to be in awe of your life, feeling inspired and fully ALIVE, you want to be the source and generator of epic ideas, creativity, inspired action, and high-frequency energy – all of which you infuse into your amazing creations in the world.

You’re so ready to choose yourself, and humanity. 

And I’m so excited for you!

It’s lovely to meet you, hon. I’m Carly Stephan

I’m a speaker, coach, mentor and intuitive guide to soulful leaders, visionaries and creatives.

I guide women away from playing small with their limiting beliefs, and into their inner power.

Amping up their light, so that they can serve the world with their own unique gifts – through their soul business, and creative pursuits.  

BUT – I also know what it’s like to NOT be in a light-filled-and-loving-life state, feeling like the universe has left you behind, cut you off from love, light and any feeling of inner and outer connection.

I’ve felt the murky depths of depression and despondency, and been sucked deep into despair.
The painful frustration of procrastinating about incorporating healthy self-care practices, but NOT doing it.
I’ve flailed around looking for my validation outside of me- in all things external and appearance oriented. Seeking to please everyone around me, in order to accept myself.
I’ve deftly shape-shifted to suit whatever anybody needed at any time and abandoned myself in the process.

And I’ve suffered from skin-crawling comparisonitis when I felt like I was doing everything wrong, and not “keeping up”.

I’ve doubted whether I could live an abundantly overflowing life based on my unique gifts and talents. 

Why do I feel the need to make sure YOU know where I’ve been, not just where I am now? Because I don’t want you to think I’m mentoring and guiding you from a place of constant mental, emotional, and spiritual perfection. It has been and always will be a bit messy. But it’s a beautiful mess.

The reason I am so good at what I do (and can really own my value in this) is because I’ve BEEN where my clients have been and I know how to move through it now with a lot less meandering off track.

And very honestly, why would you want to listen to, much less work with, a person who has no idea how to get from where you are to where you want to go?

I’m not the person on the other side of the river bank shouting at you to just, ‘Come on over here! It’s really great once you’re here!’, I wade back through the water and come to stand by your side. And then, linking arms, we make our way together, to the other side.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into designing programs that initiate catalytic, transformational, sustainable and lasting change in women.







You are SO much more powerful than you think, and I want you to know the truth of your divinity deep in your bones.

My mission is to be the light-filled embodied example of living a fifth-dimensional life, anchoring cosmic light through my body and into our verdant earth (using my Personal Lightgrid techniques), and supporting thousands of others to do the same in THEIR OWN UNIQUE WAY.

I feel the power of my legacy ripple across timespace / spacetime, our planet and intergalactically. It’s the purest fuel I know – and it keeps me aligned and accountable to who I’m here to be in this lifetime.

So, what brought me here?

 I spent well over a decade working in international aid and development for organisations like the United Nations, International NGOs,  and the Centre For Social Change, mentoring and guiding individuals and communities both locally and overseas in Kenya, South East Asia, the Pacific region and Australia.

I have taught, tutored, facilitated, mentored and coached hundreds of people, both men and women, from school-level to university-level during this time.

My Professional Qualifications include:

  • Two undergraduate degrees in International Business and Political Science
  • A First-Class Honours degree in International Relations
  • A Masters Degree in Development Studies
  • Over a decade of in-depth on the job training and experience in teaching, facilitating, capacity building and capacity development of people and communities. 
In 2014 after a couple of years of writing and sharing my spiritual awakening journey with thousands via my blog Pockets of Peace, a demand for me to create a mentoring and coaching service began to emerge. People, mostly women, began approaching me to work with them to develop their spiritual practice, and create a deeper connection with their intuition.
And thus a small side-business of mine emerged – I was working in international community development by day (at the time, conducting a national training program in Fiji for NGOs to carry out strengths-based capacity building in communities) and in the evenings and on weekends, tending to my spiritual mentoring clients.
After a year and a half of doing this, it was made abundantly clear to me that I absolutely had to completely back myself and shift this ‘part-time’ hobby/side hustle into a full-blown soul business.
And so it was that in July of 2016 I trepidatiously stepped out of the safe and comfortable world of the NGO/Corporate world, and launched myself into fully and completely working for myself (well, technically for my soul).

And that brings us to now, today, this very moment – many program launches, hundreds of clients from all over the world, thousands of readers later, and I’m still falling in love with each day I get to call this my ‘work’.

Speaking of work, and specifically how I do this: I use a combination of coaching, mentoring, energy medicine and my highly attuned intuitive and psychic gifts to create a highly transformative and supportive space for my clients to actualise and fully realise desires that have long been an elusive pipe-dream.

I work mainly online, with occasional in-person workshops and retreats.

I blend all of my professional capacity development expertise with my energy medicine training (Reiki I + II), embodied intuitive abilities and cutting edge intuitive healing methods to create holistic and one-of-a-kind programs for you.

No cookie-cutter or business-in-a-box approach here. Soul-led all the way, baby!

I favour using strengths-based approaches and methods of inquiry that help bring you back into connection with your inner intuition, guidance, and natural ability to heal and align with your highest potential.

After guiding hundreds of women through life-changing transformation, I’m confident that if you’re picking up what I’m putting down – and you feel a heart-leap pull to working with me – you will absolutely experience the same.

If you’d love to explore working together – head right this way for a no obligation inquiry chat about whether we’re a good fit! 


When I’m not doing this, you’ll find me immersed in nature, swimming in the ocean, hiking in the forest, dancing like everyone’s watching, meditating, yoga-ing or curled up on the couch with a good book!(And maybe watching Netflix, just quietly.)


  • I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the sunny land upon which I live, work and play in Meanjin (Brisbane), Australia: the Turrbal and Jagera People, and pay my respect to their ancestors and elders.
  • When I refer to the term ‘Women’ or ‘Womxn’, I do so with the intention of including anyone who identifies as such, including transgendered women. 
  • I guide women only at this stage, as I do not feel I have the lived experience to teach men and non-binary humans effectively in the same way. There are humans in the world doing similar transformational work. Let me know if you’d like any recommendations!
  • I intend to create a safe space for women of every creed and colour in my writing, in my programs, and during my in-person events. Racism, sexism and any other form of discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • I have worked in international humanitarian development for over a decade, on projects in Eastern Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific, ranging from financial inclusion, women’s empowerment and climate change mitigation, through to local economic development and good governance. While this is no longer my career focus, I still donate my time to causes and events that matter to me as I see fit.
  • A portion of my business earnings are donated to charities and organisations which support the following: women’s empowerment and safety, refugee and asylum-seeker support, disaster relief and recovery, the natural environment/climate change, and micro-business in developing countries.