
Come and mastermind with me for $77?


I’m spilling the secrets about the true needle movers you need to make a quantum leap in your soul business – and they’re NOT what you think.

Your Quantum Light Business Pop-Up Mastermind! Instant Frequency Upgrades for your Soul Business – Learn the Quantum Codes & Energetic Secrets to Having a Thriving Soul Venture!

Join me and an amazing crew of soul-aligned babes (the women who are already in are EPIC!) as we dive into Quantum Light Business Foundations – we’ll co-create a coherent field of quantum magic for EVERYONE to benefit from (we’re rippling out into the world, baby!).

Experience the magic of the light bulb moment that leads you to inspired action that creates:

– An email (or two) that generates $10,000+*

– A program idea that initiates your next six-figure launch*

– The next inspired pivot in your business that launches you into a higher stratosphere of impact*

– An injection of magical inspiration that blooms into a viral social media post – leading to an enormous influx of new clients*

– A synchronistic and easeful creation of a soulmate team to support your work*

– Clients turning up out of nowhere and signing themselves up to work with you*

(*All of these are regularly experienced by me / my clients.)

In this Exclusive Pop-Up Soul Business Mastermind You’ll Receive:

– An Illuminating 7 Days of Quantum Upgrades with me! (Value $700)

– Your Quantum Vision Self Audio Track (Value $70)

– A Private Facebook Group for Livestreams and Chats with Fellow Members (Value $300)

– 1 x Live Masterclass on Your Quantum Light Business Foundations + Upgrades (Value $500)

– 1 x Live Q+A Session with Carly Stephan (Value $500)

– Recordings of both Live Sessions following the Pop-Up Mastermind, for you to keep (Value $250)

The heavily discounted price point will revert to its higher price once our Pop-Up Mastermind begins on Wednesday 20 October.

This pop-up Mastermind is worth over $2300.

The aligned price point I felt called to place it at is: $333.

But if you’re IN and secure your spot NOW – it’s just AUD $77.

Have I gone insane, you ask?! Maybe!

Join now and you can access the codes immediately – with the Your Quantum Vision Self audio (which is valued at $70).

Big love and excited to do this with you if you feel the call!