NEW VIDEO: Behind-the-scenes raw & real vlog! With Melissa Sandon

NEW VIDEO: Behind-the-scenes raw & real vlog with Melissa Sandon

A month or so ago, my friend Melissa and I were away at the Sandon – after we’d been discussing doing a new video series for MONTHS – Melissa went all ‘f*ck it we’re doing it right now’.

The only problem was that I was sitting at the kitchen table of the fishing hut we stay in, in full daggy comfort wear, zero make-up, hair a veritable mess, and definitely not feeling camera ready.

And I wasn’t even allowed to leave the kitchen table while she set our camera up to film.

‘Well, we want it to be raw and real, don’t we?”

And from there our first video was filmed, with plenty of bloopers (you’ll get a few included in this vid) and completely unscripted, flowing from soul, the way we chat to each other normally – with you included in this conversation!

In this raw and real video series you’ll get a look at how we’re meeting our edges, tender insecurities, and the truth of what it is to be energetic practitioners and leaders of soulful legacies in the world.

As you’ll see, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and easeful flow through life on a daily basis.

(But we do have a heck of a lot of fun along the way.)

Trust us – there are things we speak about and share in this video that both of us are a bit nervous to share.

But we want to shake up beyond our comfort zones into growth – into real sharing and not just teaching or funneling truth through a guided and insightful lens.

And explore what it is to be unpolished and un-curated in our expression.

A strange thing happens when you’re on the ‘net as a creator – so much of everything we share gets shape-shifted into ways to prove how wise, all-knowing, and worthy of guiding others we are.

(And it’s confronting for us to not lead with our expertise or skills when speaking in the public domain.)

But with these subtle and overt demonstrations of authority, we strip ourselves bare of our beautifully raw humanity, and unfiltered glorious heart-full reality.

Which is what we both very much want to share with you.

With this vlog series, we’re hopeful that you’ll give yourself permission to do the same wherever you find yourself in life – sharing more of that unfiltered, not so dressed up, and curated self with the world.

Because ultimately we all wanna see the truth of your heart and soul blasting out of you, however it comes!

In this, the inaugural episode of our new raw + real series, you’ll get an insight into:

– Behind the scenes of our creative sojourns to the Sandon a few times a year,
– Why we choose the Sandon, what we get up to while we’re there, and how we’ve unsubscribed from the hustle culture of our industry
– The books we ACTUALLY read (it’s not all highbrow at all)
– Nude sunbathing at the beach
– The raw edges each of us are meeting in our lives right now
– Melissa discusses her edges and fears in the domain of business and ‘keeping up with the crowd’
– Carly discusses her edges and discomfort in intimacy, as she has a whole new experience in romantic relationship
– And an invitation for you to share your raw and real expression with us – what’s going on for YOU in this moment? We’d love to hear from you.

We hope you enjoy this peek into our lives and the real discussions that we have on an ongoing basis! Look out for the next raw + real video – dropping soon!