Episode 10: For When You Think You’re the General Manager of The Universe

So many high-performing and high-achieving humans just can’t help themselves.

They convince themselves that things will only get done if they do it.

That they are the master and controller of everything, and if they don’t have everything managed and manipulated exactly to their liking: everything will go to sh*te.

They get into their heads and try to figure it out from the mental realm: turning everything into an intellectual exercise to overcome.

Can you relate?

It’s around about this time that you begin to feel your belly harden, accompanied by a tightening of your neck and shoulders. Maybe you’re clenching or grinding your teeth at night?

All of these signs point to one thing: you’ve forgotten who you truly are.

And who exactly are you?

A being of magnificent magic, miracles, and light – all of which is literally woven into your cells and exists in the energetic field around you – that surrounds you at all times. You only need to once again become aware of your magnificence in order for the infinite magic of the cosmos to flow through you once again. Because it wants to do it, naturally! Constantly, consistently, at all times.

Yes – without any effort.

But it won’t happen if you’re actively pushing it away in resistance and declaring that YOU and YOU ALONE have got it (without your multidimensional magnificence, higher dimensional guides, and connection to infinite light fields of magic).

So, a question for you: Will you let the light move through you and MOVE YOU to create something extraordinary in service of others?

Or will you resist it?

We drop into resisting our light when we don’t trust that there’s a higher divine intelligence animating and guiding us all (through the mechanism of this light), and decide that we’re all wholly separate from each other and the broader fields of magic that DO exist.

(Particularly during times of highly divisive and polarised positioning and fear fields being flung at each other left, right and centre.)

Our trust in ourselves, in each other, in humanity at large becomes the flimsy kind – small ‘t’ trust – and we forget the bigger, more luminous and unshakeable capital ‘T’ Trust in the universe that we can rest into, always, when we allow ourselves.

Part of my legacy on this earth is to guide and enable people to know themselves as the light that they are.

It’s my highest dream and destiny for humans to know themselves as ecstatic light, and for each of us to experience the unbridled and unconditional flow of it through our energetic fields & bodies.

Because this gives us a visceral experience of being connected to the thrum and flow of life.

That exact magical animating force I spoke about earlier.

And this is something that can only be EXPERIENCED. Not learnt in a book.

But the good news? Experiencing it then leads to a deeply embodied knowledge of it. 

And the knowledge you access in the highest dimensional fields of light result in drops of wisdom that last through the ages – enduring to endlessly inspire people throughout time and space.

Are you here for this level of magic?

Because I’m seeking divine co-creators who are ready to truly be in wild collaboration with their own ecstatic light, ready to experience leading-edge energetics and quantum magic!

New paradigm leaders who truly feel it’s time to wield their own highest magic and calling in the world.

This is exactly what we’re doing in The STELLARmind, my mastermind for luminous leaders who are ready to bring their light to the world in the deepest service to people and the planet!

We use the technology of our personal light grids and Quantum Upgrade Pillars to elevate us into super-rich states of existence, where we can download guidance and intelligence from our highest plains of wisdom.

The energetic vortex that a group like this creates is immensely powerful. I’d love for you to experience it, if you feel the call to an extraordinary level of exalted light!

In this episode of the Lead With Your Light Podcast

  • How high-performing and high-achieving humans can’t help themselves in this realm [1:22]
  • When the infinite magic stops flowing naturally [4:13]
  • What happens when we don’t trust that there’s a higher divine intelligence that is guiding us [5:46]
  • Part of my legacy in this lifetime [7:25]
  • The difference between experienced vs. learnt [8:27]
  • Who I am seeking… [11:27]

I’m now welcoming amazing new members into my mastermind, the STELLARmind! This Mastermind is for visionary leaders and soulful entrepreneurs ready to up-level their businesses and lead with their light. Come and chat to me about your suitability and to apply! 

Don’t miss an episode

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For When You Think You’re the General Manager of The Universe