
Episode 12: Powerful Questions To Amplify Your Impact & Supercharge Your Manifesting

You’re a deep-feeling, soul-stirring, legacy-making human, deeply concerned for the earth and humanity.

Intuiting and empathising with the collective heaviness and struggle, while also knowing you have a critical role to play in guiding and raising the frequency of said collective (even if you don’t yet know exactly what that is).

Knowing that it will be all of us as a network of lit-from-within humans, choosing the highest timeline and victory for all that will truly anchor the next tier of consciousness here on earth.

So – I have a question for you: how come you end up making it all about yourself?

– Hiding from visibility because you’re in fear of how you’ll be seen.

– Dulling down your message or what you want to say, because you don’t want to be persecuted.

– Taking it personally when it seems like no one’s listening.

– Focusing solely on your personal success (earning money or accolades or significance) rather than the victory humanity will receive from your service (and you too, because you’re in the same soup!).

Because here’s the truth, and the magic sauce behind true and lasting legacy-initiating impact: making it all about you and what you’ll gain or lose out of it, WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY to power true impact.

When you make it all about you and whatever stories you have rolling around in your head that immediately deflate you away from making a positive impact today – you reduce the power of your energetic field down significantly.

Throw yourself into the field of humanity and the earth and the greater WE, and try again from there.

If your personal embarrassment, shame, fear, and contraction were no longer an issue holding you back – what could you then do?!

What can you do today to affect the field of humanity and the earth?

Allow yourself to unfurl and feel the light of your soul blending with the collective.

How does it wish to light the world up today?

Can you take yourself to a place beyond this time and space, when you’re looking back on this life and feeling SO PROUD OF WHAT YOU DECIDED YOU MUST DO, even when fear was whistling its way through you? (A bit of fear is a GOOD and necessary thing for potent creations, by the way.)

How can you make it about THAT and the highest service you’re here to GIVE and let the inspiration guide you from there?

Observe what emerges and follow that with some motion and momentum – and you’ll get out of your own way before you even know it.

The next powerful question to ask yourself, when you’re in intention setting or magical manifesting mode is this: how will humanity at large benefit from this occurring?

Because you don’t engage the quantum codes of creation when you make it just about you and your immediate benefit.

You need to put some velocity in your desire, create a deeper charge around it – and see how humanity (as well as you, of course) will benefit from what you’re bringing into reality.

So – how are you going to light humanity and the world up today, and how will humanity benefit when your soul-aligned desires come true?

P.S. Is it time to gift the world with your highest, most ecstatically juicy and light-filled self? (Yes, it is!)

Your new energised quantum soul business & life is here, waiting for you to claim it. 

Click here now to learn more and apply to work with me in my 3 or 6-month 1:1 Illuminate Private Mentoring Program.

In this episode of the Lead With Your Light Podcast

  • When you’re aware of the collective struggle, but you end up making it all about yourself [2:38]
  • What happens to your energy when you make it all about you [4:05]
  • Steps you can take to amplify your impact and powerfully manifest [8:10]
  • Check your desires and make sure they’re not purely ego-driven [10:47]
  • A quick recap of the powerful questions that will help you supercharge your manifesting prowess in the world! [12:00]

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