
Episode 9: How to Initiate a Quantum Leap (and Sneaky Ways You Mistakenly Stop It)

There’s a decent amount of misunderstanding around what it takes to initiate a quantum leap and the requirements of creating extraordinary amounts of energy that result in a Quantum Leap. 

Some educated guesses would probably include:

Impeccable confidence

Feeling fully secure and capable every day

Over-flowing self-esteem 

Being totally extra on social media

And more…

But none of these are correct.

Are you ready for the actual truth?

A few requirements for unleashing extraordinary amounts of energy in the world are:

– Uncertainty

– Instability

– A bit of Fear


Not only are none of these impediments to your leaps – they’re actual NEEDLE-MOVING REQUIREMENTS for unleashing your extraordinary service and impact on the field, and on the world at large! 

We actually need to have an agitation in the field to generate enough energy to fuel us into propulsion that’s large enough to be called a quantum leap.

This is an invitation to reorient yourself when it comes to considering the presence of uncertainty, instability, and fear in your life. Instead of downplaying these sensations –  they can instead be an invitation into your next leap.

Here’s a caveat though: they can only be harnessed effectively if you’re in a coherent state of being. Do not initiate a quantum leap if you are in an incoherent state or discombobulation of any kind!

The tendency in western culture to look down on these states of being that need to be changed or relieved immediately, actually pauses the energy or momentum of the quantum leap. 

Now: a quantum leap is not a walk in the park. 

So often this includes deciding to claim your next level without any evidence that it’ll work.

Or choosing your brilliance in the face of nay-sayers or people who are choosing to energise old paradigms of lack and limits – and want you to think the same.

I’ve experienced a few quantum leaps, and I’ll share one of them right here.

It was after a breakup that I found myself without a relationship and without a home — and I had recently renewed my own home’s lease to tenants. 

I was seeing my life crumble in front of me. 

It was so tempting to play small and go hideaway, take it easy and go lick my wounds.

But I  also knew in that moment that I had to choose and energise a higher path – the one that energised the legacy that I am destined to live.

I had a choice to make and I knew it was massive. 

It was about a week or so after the split when I decided to invest in a high-level business coach and a coaching package that I never thought I would pay for. 

It was a significant leap for me, investment-wise. 

And a pathway lit up in front of me the moment I made that choice. I felt the energy supporting me and leading me to a higher timeline. 

Within a couple of weeks into my leap, I found out that my tenants wanted to move out and break the lease as soon as possible! 

Then I launched a massively catalytic mastermind that took off. 

My revenue went up multiple times and my life became so beautiful, so rapidly.

This quantum leap required me to ride right to the edge of my uncertainty and beyond – flinging myself into the absolute unknown, nothing guaranteed, and everything up in the air.

But the critical thing here is: I agitated the field with my deep uncertainty + discomfort and THEN asserted so much energy towards the direction of my vision and just kept going and following the breadcrumbs that presented themselves. And soon enough I found myself on the other side of a quantum leap.

So – what will stop a quantum leap of development in its tracks?

First, energising the natural resistance you will feel as you’re upgrading.

Encountering resistance – and making yourself WRONG for feeling it – will immediately downgrade your energy and pause a leap.

When you are faced with resistance, invite in the awareness and accept that this is part and parcel of the process.

And second, backing out of an energised choice you know you need to take. 

Feeling THE CALL to leap – into a program, degree, job-opening, or offer – and NOT following that knowing, is one of the quickest ways to stop a leap.

Saying no to something that is deeply aligned and you know is for you – or worse, just apathetically watching it float on by. 

When you balk and lose faith in your ability to back yourself to retrieve the codes, insights, healing, or upgrades on offer – you create a sense of distrust and tension in your being that weighs you down.

You find yourself in the throes of anxiety and lack of confidence in yourself that will play on your awareness until you’re able to liberate yourself from it.

Which often takes a lengthy period of integration work OR until another chance to leap and back yourself presents itself.

Hopefully, then, you say YES and allow the initiation your soul is leading you to.

But if you keep saying no or provide roadblocks to your soul’s highest timeline… havoc will be wreaked.

(All in the support of your highest good, ultimately, but eeeuuchh.)

Trust me on this – I’ve been there.

Being on the precipice of initiating into higher timelines and then downgrading my energy and not following through.

It’s such a horrible feeling.

The damage I inflicted on my field was astoundingly devastating.

The stagnancy I initiated was destructive.

And I wouldn’t wish the sensation upon anyone.

I’ve learned through hard life lessons that to turn my back on an energised choice is no longer something I’m available for.

I know that the resonant YES I feel in my body & field are my soul saying ‘leap towards more, and I’ll show you the grace you never thought possible’.

Yes, it can be hairy, feel uncertain, and unstable. But I now know each of these feelings is a sign I’m about to quantum leap into my next level of existence.

So while it’s confronting, I now know how to alchemise it into a signal my nervous system can receive as safe and welcome, and deftly surf the waves of ‘not enough’, ‘how will you do this?’, and ‘but what if it all comes crashing down?’.

I’m now far more concerned about not making a choice than making one because the momentum and energy it creates carry me into higher levels of creativity, wisdom, and insight,  innovating my work and service in the world and opening me to even higher channels of frequency. Every time.

I make the choice and then I make it work for me in the most epically maximal ways I can, in concert with the co-creative forces of the universe.

Even when it freaks me out.

Especially if it freaks me out!

Because when the freak out is present, I know I’m about to create something really great – out of the infinite energy that’s available to me on the other side of that choice.

My recent initiation into a highly resonant 5-figure investment point mentoring program scared the pants off me initially.

But I knew as soon as this felt like a big soul yes choice that I couldn’t back down.

I would not downgrade and abuse myself.

I would not dismantle my field back into the ordinary.

Because I know I’m here for extraordinary levels of impact, service, and LIGHT distribution.

And I will not let my fear shit on my legacy.

I know the richness this has already initiated in my field and truly – NOTHING COMPARES.

So – make the choice. And make it BIG!

And see the energy that emerges for you on the other side.

And if you’re ready to make a big choice in the direction of up-leveling your soul work and business – come and join us in The STELLARmind!

My Mastermind for world-shaking, legacy-making Soulful Leaders who are ready to quantum accelerate their mission, amplify their abundance, and have an interstellar impact!

The codes of energy in this container are UNPARALLELED. Which is why I created it! Advanced, leading-edge energetics are coupled with content and training library LOADED with all you need to take your soul work in the world to the next level, for next-level impact and epically fun legacy living!

Message me to chat about your suitability for The STELLARmind, all inclusions, and the investment deets! >> https://m.me/CarlyStephanInc?ref=Stellarmind

In this episode of the Lead With Your Light Podcast

  • Some requirements for initiating   a quantum leap [2:01] 
  • The caveat to effectively harnessing the power of a quantum leap [4:03] 
  • Sharing my personal story of a quantum leap experience [9:32] 
  • The massive choice I had to make that initiated my quantum leap [12:03] 
  • What might stop a quantum leap in its tracks? [17:32] 
  • The momentum that carries you into higher levels of creativity and frequency [23:17] 

I’m now welcoming amazing new members into my mastermind, the STELLARmind! This Mastermind is for visionary leaders and soulful entrepreneurs ready to up-level their businesses and lead with their light. Come and chat to me about your suitability and to apply!

Don’t miss an episode

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How to Initiate a Quantum Leap (and Sneaky Ways You Mistakenly Stop It) — Carly Stephan