
Who’s Sailing Your Ship?

It’s worth asking ourselves a few questions of reflection from time to time. First up – just how many ways are you tying yourself to the expectations placed on you by society, your family, your friends, or even the media?

Have you ever examined the things you do, or what you strive for in your life and truly explored whether this is something YOU really want or desire, deep within you?

Like the expectation that you need to be married by aged X, buy a house by age Y, or have kids by age Z? Are you striving to get all of the ducks lined up in a row, just so you can justify your existence here on earth?

We sometimes unwittingly attach ourselves to identities or goals because it’s ‘just something that everyone strives for’.

We tie ourselves to so many different masts, we have no idea who’s actually sailing OUR ship.


When this topic comes up in sessions with my clients, it’s often a shock for them to see how much of their self-view is set-up to be entirely externally-referenced, and based on the judgments and expectations of WHO WE ARE TO OTHERS.

We’re so used to shape-shifting to everyone else’s needs and expectations, that when we begin to explore what it means to live from more of an internal reference point, anchored deeply within ourselves, there’s actually a void there.

A void that as yet has not formed a knowing of what our truly soul-aligned desires are, or what this even feels like!

When we begin to ask questions like; Who am I (really)? And, What Do I Actually Want? We often draw a blank.

We may stumble upon a desire we’ve long held, only to find that upon a deeper exploration, it’s actually what our parents’ desired for us. Or what our Grade 8 teacher thought would be something amazing for us to do.

Doing the work to tune in, can feel a bit daunting at times. But when we do (and asking those questions above are one of the first steps), personal sovereignty is not too far down the track.

Stick with the questions, and bring the energy of curiosity, play, and discovery to what comes through as an answer.

How are you living your life today, beauty? Internally or externally referenced?

If you’d love a bit of hand-holding support to learn more about HOW to tune within yourself and excavate your sovereign desires, there are just 2 Single Session Specials (it’s super rare for me to have these) available at the moment – including resource notes AND 2 weeks of email support! Bargain.