
July-August 2018 Eclipse Season – how are you doing?

We’ve just moseyed our way through two huge eclipses in the last month, And I’d love to know – how are these eclipse energies treating you? Feeling a little tossed about, and discomfort levels ranging from mild to major?

Eclipse seasons and heightened passages of ascension energy are our shakedown to face our inner True North again.


To be shown what in our lives is not in integrity or in alignment with the truth of our soul.

The ways we’ve been hiding from, compromising, or sweeping things under the rug in the hope they’ll disappear, all of it will rise to the front and centre of our lives to be reckoned with.

This quickening energy has a precision and surety that is exacting and uncompromising. To say this eclipse season has knocked the wind out of me is a bit of an understatement. It’s shaken me to my core and broken me open in ways I haven’t experienced in recent times.

I’m leaning into everything I know works to help – time in nature, energy work, yin yoga, little-to-no caffeine, time with kindred souls AND all of the practices, techniques and processes from my program Anchor Your Light.

I’ve been sinking into my inner light grid and bathing in my own luminosity, aligning with my 12-Strand Etheric DNA and divine human template that lands a deep knowing of my multidimensionality within my heart, and managing my energy to keep my energetic field clear and sovereign from others’ (something many empaths struggle with).

And the best news? You can access these and so much more all now too.

The next round of Anchor Your Light begins 8-8-18, on the Lionsgate passage!

Do you want to be held in the lusciousness of your light? Apply to join our light-filled mastermind-style program by clicking through here: ANCHOR YOUR LIGHT.